CRASH Squad Mod News

Lots of news about the Crash Squad mod.

has been updating the mod.

I have uploaded the Crash Squad Documentation to Kingpin Info so you can view it online.

Monkey has put up a CRASH Squad mod servr and there is a game planned for next Thursday.


Monkey Harris has been updating the mod and incorporating the latest Moneky Mod features into it and also fixing a few bugs. 

He has now released new Crash client files.

You can download the new client files from here.

Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location (kingpin/crash).

Please note that if you already have the current Crash client files then you will still be able to connect to the Crash server.

However you should rename the pak9 file that is in your crash folder to pak1.

The reason being is that the new client files are downloadable from the server and are in a pak1 file. If you don't already have a pak1 file in your crash folder it will download it.


Their is comrehensive documentation in the client files and I have now uploaded that information to Kingpin Info so you can read it online. It tells you everything you need to know about the mod.

You can check it out here.


Monkey Harris has set up a new Crash mod server and there is a game planned for next Thursday night :)

Server details:-

Server : Newskool Crash Squad (auto-dl client)
IP :

Once Monkey is confident that there are no errors with the update he will release the server files as well.

Mr.Damage Saturday 04 March 2017 - 00:43 | News
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