Reprisal Single Player Episode

Reprisal is the fourth episode of a five part single player series for Kingpin made by .

The story: After the incident in Europe (Gulag), the European authorities deported you back Stateside, where you were quickly tried, convicted and jailed on numerous international charges (including gun-running). But the gangs want their revenge for the deaths you caused overseas, so they have decided to break you out of your cell and execute you. Fortunately for you, they blow the wrong cell, and kill the poor sucker in the cell next to yours. Having a convenient hole blown in your cell wall, you use this opportunity to make good your escape, so now, once again, the gangs are after your ass...and this time it's personal. The only way to get them off your back is to find the gang boss and take him out, letting confusion reign as the lackeys fight for the top job.

Check the readme in the zipfile for a lot more information.

Wheelbarrow made a story that spreads over five episodes. The order in which to play them is Funeral, The Chase, Gulag, Reprisal and Sanctuary.

You can download Reprisal from here.

Installing & Loading : Unzip the files into your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct location.

Create a desktop shortcut for Kingpin and then add the following:-

+set developer 1 + skill 1 +map num1

skill can be 0 = easy, 1 = normal, 2 = hard.





Mr.Damage Monday 27 March 2017 - 07:21 | News, Map
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