I have taken the Xmas Mod map Xmas Team Roadtrip out of beta ready for next Christmas lol (it took much longer to update than anticipated due to lots of little errors I kept finding).
It is a smallish Bagman map, set in the mountains with a mirrored layout, has 28 player spawns (14 for each team) and ample weapons and items.
It is an Xmas mod version of a regular Bagman map that was ported from the Action Quake 2 map that was made by
WizardExt. WizardExt was more than happy to have his maps converted to Kingpin.
You can download Xmas Team Roadtrip from
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
Shellcracker has also released a patch that allows you to play the great single player mission
Barren Meadow with his Guns N' Thugs single player overhaul.
You can download the Guns N' Thugs Barren Meadow patch
To apply the Guns N' Thugs compability patch for Barren Meadow, simply copy gamex86.dll and overwrite the one in your Barren Meadow folder and start Barren Meadow as normal.
Save a copy of the original gamex86dll if you want to.
Elfor let me know that
Shellcracker has updated his single player overhaul mod, Guns 'N Thugs to v1.8.
He describes Guns N' Thugs as:-
Kingpin has a reputation as one of the toughest games of its kind, which can be mainly attributed to the unforgiving AI. This has turned away more than a few people as a result, which this mod seeks to remedy by giving the player a fairer chance.
v1.8 - Weapons not being picked up at full ammo has been temporarily disabled due to the discovery of a bug, but the issue where one could still reload weapons without reserve ammo has been fixed.
v1.7 - Enemies now flinch when shot on Hard and Real difficulties, and more subtitles were adjusted.
v1.6.2 - Fixed weapon pickups giving twice as much ammo as before.
v1.6.1 - Hopefully fixed the crowbar causing a crash when picked up.
v1.6 - Weapons are no longer picked up when you have full ammo for them, and subtitles have been improved.
v1.5 - Added a new console command (g_quick_weapon_switch) to allow fast weapon switching in singleplayer. Off by default, and should only be used before starting a new game. All bosses had their previously unused unique dying sounds restored as well.
v1.4 - Fixed female characters not playing any sounds for taking damage or dying. This will likely be the last update for a while unless some critical bug is found.
v1.3 - Restored the original weapon bob from Quake 2, which means that weapons will move more realistically in first person.
v1.2 - NPCs had their pain reaction chance decreased (but still more frequent than the unmodified game), since that was originally implemented to keep the player from taking damage, which has been made redundant by the AI not having perfect tracking anymore. Additionally, the pistol's silencer now lasts forever.
v1.1 - The AI no longer leads their shots like before, so that their shots can be strafed around like the Gunners in Quake 2. Keep in mind that updating the mod will mean that previous saves won't work anymore, so you'll have to remain with an older version to continue your current playthrough.
You can download it from
kingpin.info or from his ModDB page
Check the included readme for instructions. The zipfile contains the 2 required files (run_gunsnthugs.bat and the gamex86.dll) plus all the source files for the mod. If you just want to play the overhaul mod then just unzip/extract the 2 required files to your Kingpin folder and then run run_gunsnthugs.bat which will be in directly in your Kingpin folder.
I hope everyone has a great Christmas.
Looking forward to seeing you all in a game of Kingpin soon :)
The Thursday games this week are going to be Xmas mod Real Mode Death Match and then Xmas Crash mod. Both on the East Coast USA servers.
Real Mode only has pistols, shotguns and tommyguns but the weapons do more damage. It includes health also but no armour.
Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.
Server Details:-
Server : XMAS Real Mode Deathmatch
IP :
Date : 26th December
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST Time
Server : XMAS Crash
IP :
Time : 10.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST Time
The Game this Sunday will be the Xmas Mod. It will be an hour or so of XMas Death Match on Newskool server then the remainder of the night will be XMas Bagman on East Coast USA server.
Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS
IP :
Date : 22nd December
Time : 9.30 pm UK time/4.30pm EST Time
Server : XMAS Bagman
IP :
Time : 10.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST Time
The Game this Thursday will be an hour or so of Xmas ThugFloor on Killa's server then the rest of the night will be Xmas CTF Mod on East Coast USA server.
Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.
Server Details:-
Server : Thursday Xmas Thug Floor Server
Date : Thursday 19th Dec.
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time/4.30 EST time
Server : Thursday Xmas CTF
IP :
Time : 10.30 pm UK time/5.30pm EST time
I have updated the Xmas Team Deathpit Bagman map and taken it out of beta.
The map is a mirrored Xmas Mod Bagman map with a pit in the centre. There are jump pads to get out of the pit.
There are slippery, iced over pools of water in the team bases with the team safe bags in the centre. There are side passages that connect the two teams' bases. The money drop is in the centre pit.
There are jump pads in both bases that lift you up to armour and HMG cooling mods and then down into one of the side passages. The map also contains two Christmas song samples.
It has ample weapons and items and 24 player spawns.
You can download Xmas Team Deathpit 2024 from
Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations.
The Sunday games this week is going to be XMAS mod Hitmen for an hour or so and then Xmas Bagman for the rest of the game.
Game starts:-
9.30pm UK time
1.30pm USA PST/4.30pm EST
10.30pm Central Europe/11.30pm Eastern Europe.
Server Details:-
Server : Newskool XMAS
Date : 15th December
Time : 9.30pm UK time/4.30pm EST time
Server : XMAS Bagman
Time : 10.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST Time
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