Sunday Game Of Hitmen & CTF 22nd March

The Sunday Games this week will be half an hour or so of Hitmen mod to start the night off and then the remainder of the night will be Capture the Flag on the Newskool CTF server.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Hitmen Server
IP :

Date : Sunday 22nd March
Time : 21.00 (9.00pm) UK Time/4.00 EST time

Server : Newskool CTF
IP :

Date : Sunday 22nd March
Time : 21.30 (9pm) UK Time/4.30pm EST time

Check out the wordclock here to see what time it is where you are when it is 9pm in the UK.

If you don't already have the CTF client files you can download them when you join the server or you can just download them from here:-

CTF Client Files

Just extract/unzip the files to your Kingpin folder.

Mr.Damage | Sunday 22 March 2020 - 06:13 | News | No comments

New Kill Confirmed/Death Match Map - Shipment Remake

This is a remake of the popular Shipment map from CoD MW2 by Mr Damage.

The map is made for the new Kill Confirmed mod but can be used with normal DM and any DM style mod (GunRace, Hitmen etc).

Its a smallish, arena style map and is filled with shipping containers, giving it its name. The map is almost entirely symmetrical in design, with two containers on the west and east sides of the map, one of which can be walked through either side, many containers in the middle (two of which can be entered), two containers on the north and south sides of the map, one of which can be entered on a side, and lots of detail around the map.

was a great help with this map, creating some new container textures and working on some of the containers, redesigning some of the floor area, adding the outside area of the map, also adding some of the detail around the map and various other things.

Thanks to everyone who helped beta test the map and also to for his suggestions.

You can download Shipment Remake from here.

Download and open the zipfiles, then just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations. 





Mr.Damage | Saturday 21 March 2020 - 07:32 | News, Map | No comments
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Thursday Game Of Kill Confirmed & Killapin Mods 19th March

The Thursday Games this week will be an hour or so of the new Kill Confirmed mod and then the remainder of the night will be Killapin on Newskool servers.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Kill Confirmed
IP :
Date : Thursday 19th March
Time : 21.30 (9.30pm) UK Time/5.30 EST time

Server : Newskool Killapin
IP :
Date : Thursday 19th March
Time : 22.30 (10.30pm) UK Time/5.30pm EST time

You can download the Kill Confirmed files from the server or you can grab them from here.

Download and open the zipfiles, then just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations. 

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.

Mr.Damage | Thursday 19 March 2020 - 00:34 | News | No comments

Monkey Harris Kingpin Patch Updated To Ver8

 has updated his Kingpin patch to version 8.

You can download MH Kingpin Patch ver8 from here.

Just unzip the files to your Kingpin folder and overwrite existing files if asked to do so.


A summary of the new features:-

Adds a raw mouse input mode that bypasses Windows' mouse motion processing.

Adds a hybrid directional lighting mode that combines the map's lightmap
with the normal "junior" lighting to prevent too dark shading of
players/NPCs in areas of the map that are bright. The directional
lighting option has also been moved to the visuals menu.

Fixes dynamic lights (eg. muzzle flashes and explosions) so that they
light up players/NPCs properly when directional lighting is enabled.

Limits surface charring (eg. from explosions and flames) to 75% to avoid
the map becoming pitch black. Charring also no longer affects the
lighting of players/NPCs or items except for props.

Adds the option to associate DM2 demo files with Kingpin, so that they
can be played from Windows Explorer.

Fixes jerky demo playback (particularly during fast movement).

Adds demo rewinding (by scrolling the mouse wheel back).

Adds the option of pausing a demo at the end instead of unloading it.

Fixes several flamethrower issues, including the visibility of flames in

Improves word wrapping of chat text.

Extends the "redownload" command to also cover maps when there is a
version conflict with the server.

Improves download speeds on connections with packetloss.

Adds a fix for Kingpin not loading properly the first time after booting
on Windows 7.


Mr.Damage | Sunday 15 March 2020 - 09:07 | News | 5 comments

Kill Confirmed Mod Linux Files Released

has now released the V1.04 Kill Confirmed mod Linux files.

The zipfile contains the Linux server files, documentation, client files and two custom maps.

You can download the Kill Confirmed Linux files from here.

The only other file you need to run a public Kill Confirmed Linux server is the KPDED2 Enhanced Server file which you can download from here.

Mr.Damage | Sunday 15 March 2020 - 08:51 | News, Mod | No comments

Quake 1 The Edge Map Conversion

Did you know that the Famous Quake 2 map The Edge (Q2DM1) was also made for Quake 1?

It was avavilable in the Quake Arcade Tournament Edition that unfortunately never made it to commercial release.

I found the map online and converted it for the GunRace mod but it is also available for normal death match play.

Most people would know the Quake 2 version but this version features Quake textures (of course), which I kept in the Kingpin conversion, and some teleports.

You can download Q1DM The Edge from here.

Download and open the zipfiles, then just unzip/extract the files to your Kingpin folder and they will be placed in the correct locations. 



Mr.Damage | Saturday 14 March 2020 - 00:34 | News, Map | No comments

Sunday Game Of Bagman 15th March

The Sunday game this week will be Bagman on Monkey Harris's UK Newskool Bagman server.

Game details:-

Server : Sunday Bagman
IP :
Date : Sunday 15th March
Time : 21.00 (9pm) UK Time\5.00pm EST time

Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.00pm UK time here.

Grab the complete Bagman maps map-pack from here.

Btw if you don't have a Kingpin server browser you can grab Gamespylite from here.

Mr.Damage | Saturday 14 March 2020 - 00:06 | News | No comments

Sick City 2018 Death Match Map

Sick City 2018 is another of the maps I made for the GunRace mod that is available for death match as well.

It is a remake of the old Sick City map (sickre.bsp). It is retextured with Redneck Rampage textures and also has some RR sounds added.

I fixed some bugs from the original map and changed some of the weapon and item amounts and placement. I also added many more player spawns as the original only had four.

You can download Sick City 2018 from here.



Mr.Damage | Wednesday 11 March 2020 - 23:42 | News, Map | No comments

New Mod On The Way - Thug Floor

and   are working on a new mod based on the game Killing Floor called Thug Floor.

The idea is that players face 10 waves of enemy AI in each map. Each wave of enemie increases in size and toughness. Players receive points for killing enemy AI. At the end of each wave players can purchase weapons, ammo, health and armour with these points.

The mod is at an early stage of development and you may see people testing it at different times so feel free to join in.





Mr.Damage | Wednesday 11 March 2020 - 23:24 | News, Mod | No comments
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Thursday Game Of Death Match & GunRace Mod 12th March

The Thursday Games this week will be split between Death Match and the GunRace Mod.

  has included a new random mode in the Monkey Mod (like in the new Kill Confirmed mod) and this will be in place on Thursday so death match will include standard DM and other modes like Real Mode, Instagib and rocket mode.

Server Details:-

Server : Newskool Fragfest server
IP :
Date : Thursday 12th March
Time : 9.30pm UK time/5.30pm EST time
Server : Newskool Gunrace
IP :
Date : Thursday 12th March
Time : 22.30 (10:30pm) UK time/6.30pm EST time 
Check the World clock to see what time it is where you are when it is 9.30pm UK time here.

Mr.Damage | Wednesday 11 March 2020 - 02:16 | News | No comments
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